I find that in general I have mixed feelings towards media. It is amazing some of the things that technology has made available to us. But, as wonderful as it is, it's a terrible temptation. I have recentlly begun to use a TiVo on a regular basis. It's great. I don't have to be a slave to the scheduling of the major networks. Now, however, I find that I actually watch a lot more TV than I used to. Before, I'd be making the choice between TV and other things. Now I can do both. Instead of missing episodes, I just watch them later when I'm trying to put off studying.
I guess that's the whole idea with studying media. It isn't good or bad in and of itself. It is what we do with it and our individual choices that make our media use good or bad.
I never really had thought about how TiVo maybe has positive correlation with amount of time spent watching TV. It makes sense though that that could be the case. Interesting.