Sunday, January 31, 2010


I have a terrible addiction: Books. They are really evil. I have a really hard time putting them down. It's a curse I picked up from my mother. She is an avid reader, and all 10 of her children have followed in her footsteps.

I smile when I think about the feuds that would arise when a new Harry Potter book would come out. My Mom would order the book to arrive on the day it was released. The only problem was that then we had exactly one copy of the book and about 7 people who all wanted to be the first to read it. Mom always won because she read the fastest, but after her it was a mad dash. There were usually 3 or 4 bookmarks in it at once. The trick was to hide the book if you had to put it down for some reason, that way no one else could pick it up and get a head of you. Sigh... good times.

Here's my current problem: I have so many text books that I need to be reading that I don't have time to read for pleasure. I thought I had found a remedy of sorts in audiobooks because then I can listen to a book while I do things like drive or do the dishes. But this then introduces a new problem. I still need to finish the chapter... or a couple of them... and I end up putting off the other things I need to do. So I guess it comes down to will power. Can I be stronger than the book?

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