Friday, March 26, 2010


I know, I know... I've totally been on a video kick with my posts lately. But it's usually a video that catches my attention and makes me think about blogging.

This is another add that made me laugh out loud. It is also a comentary on commercials in general. Why do thay do all these totally rediculous things? But we are just so used to it, we don't think about what they are trying to convince us of.

It's a good point.


  1. when i was little i thought the blue liquid was awesome.

  2. I was so confused when I saw this commercial. I couldn't help but mention to my husband how advertisers are going crazy and are trying to get our attention in crazy ways. I was also wondering if this is what adolescents think is cool today. Some totally random commercial that makes tampon companies looks stupid for doing other commercials even though Kotex was also a victim of that a while back.
