Saturday, May 29, 2010


Someone told me once that if you want to make God laugh all you have to do is make a plan. It seems that it's true. I had my own plan for how the next year or so of my life was going to go, but then the Lord stepped in and made some changes.

I'm currently living at home again (yikes!) and trying to find a job. This was part of my original plan, but the timing has changed. And now I'm not sure about what will happen in the nest year or two. It's kinda exciting. And kinda terrifying. (I guess that means I'm excited and scared.) But I have faith that I'll learn something from the whole experience. (As in, I'll know things now, many valuable things, that I hadn't known before.)

In other news: Victoria and I are going to see Into the Woods tonight. Her High School is putting it on. I'm pretty excited (and NOT scared) because Cab always does a really good job with their productions.

1 comment:

  1. When I heard that Cab was doing Into the Woods I almost cried. I am SO very jealous of you for being able to go see that with Victoria. Some day I will realize that I can't live two lives at once but it is killing me to be away from home with Tia at Cab. Let me live vicariously through you!
