I posted recently (not recently as in a short time ago, but
recently as in only two posts ago) that I quit Facebook. One of the reasons for
that was that it took too much time and I had other things I wanted to do with
that time.
Well, I’ve realized since then that it wasn’t ever really Facebook
that was taking up all of my time. When I spend time online (then and now) it
was WAY more often that I was watching things on YouTube. I freely confess that I’m a bit of a YouTube
junky. And in case you are not very familiar with the ways of YouTube, I will
explain that on YouTube you can create an account. This allows you to leave
comments on other people’s videos as well as keep lists of your favorite
videos, and most importantly it allows you to subscribe to other people’s
accounts. Subscribing means that when you log in, your front page is full of
the latest videos that they’ve posted. It’s like Following someone’s blog.
So anyway, as I was thinking about this the other day, I
decided that I wanted to look at the various people/channels to which I am
subscribed and see what that says about me. I've decided that pretty much each of these things makes my life happier. So here you have it, these are the things that I really enjoy wasting time on. I’m going to list them in the order
in which I subscribed to them.
Kitkatsavge – This
is my sister. She occasionally uploads videos of my nephew, so I like to know
when those come up. Though, she doesn’t post a lot, so I usually just like to
go through her list of favorite videos. We have similar tastes so I usually
find AMAZING things in her favorites list.
Recommendations: Josh and something amazing
Mrssavage18 – This is my sister-in-law. She doesn’t post a lot either, but when she does it’s
either really cute stuff of her kids (By “her kids” I mean those she teaches in
school. I would be really bummed out if I found out that Matt and Rachel had
kids via YouTube.) or they are videos of their cat Callie playing with Matt. So fun
stuff, but mostly just for family etc.
Recommendations: Callie the Alley Cat
BoredShortsTV – Many of you may have seen the “Kid History” videos that went viral about a year
ago (though, they were mostly viral in Utah – because the people are clearly Mormon). This is their channel.
They’ve done a whole bunch more than just the kid history stuff and it’s all
pretty funny.
Recommendations: KH5 and Dance Class
ItsJustSomeRandomGuy – Also the fruits of a viral video a number of years ago. This is the guy who
does the “Hi, I’m a marvel… and I’m a DC” videos. When you have as many nerdy
brothers as I do (and who am I kidding, I’m just as much of a nerd as they are)
you know some things about superheroes and where they come from and all their
various movies. So the videos that this guy posts are really funny as he has
the protagonists of different comic book worlds interact. They are especially
funny in the summer when all the blockbusters are coming out, because they get
new material to work with.
Recommendations: The original and Avengers
HISHEdotcom – This channel is similar to the above because it deals with movies, but it isn’t
limited to comics/superheroes. The name stands for How It Should Have Ended.
They make flash animation shorts changing one event that makes the whole movie
different or simply pointing out some of the ridiculous things that happen in
Recommendations: Avengers, Hunger Games (plus)
ThePianoGuys – I've known Jon Schmidt's name for a while. He wrote a song that will be familiar to most of you (link!). He also wrote another song that will be familiar to many who play the piano (I feel like everyone who gets to a certain level tries to tackle this one at some point). But in the last couple of years he and a friend teamed up and started making amazing covers and mash-ups for piano and cello. They are the Piano Guys and they have some really great stuff.
Charlieissocoollike – Ok, there's a history with this one. I love Doctor Who. There I've said it. I feel like most people jump to a lot of conclusions when I tell them that, but you have to know that in order to understand how I found this channel. Charlie McDonald is also a fan of Doctor Who. He's also a member of a band called Chameleon Circuit that writes Doctor Who songs. (Wow, I sound really nerdy.) Anyway, this kid is super funny and he's British. This was the first channel that I subscribed to that was just a person's vlog. But I'm a fan.
Recommendations: Doctor What and Puppet
Vsauce – No joke - in the last hour this video was posted on their channel. That's Bill freaking Nye. I love this guy! Anyway this guy does all kinds of nerdy sorts of things. He does videos about cool science-y things or nerdy video game things or he has a whole series about the crazy/strange things that you can buy online.
Minutephysics – I found this guy through Vsauce. But he explains complicated physics concepts through fun pictures and makes it all pretty easy to grasp. I love learning, so I always enjoy his posts.
Recommendations: 4th dimension and thorn
Vlogbrothers – This is one of my most recent discoveries. I've seen these guys around YouTube and even seen some of their videos, but I didn't really know what they were all about. Then about 3 weeks ago I actually started following some of the things that they've got going on. They started out in 2007 as two brothers who decided to communicate with each other only through YouTube. It went viral and now they've completely revolutionized the YouTube community. I'm not really going to try to explain everything that they've started, because it would take a long time. (Plus you'd really know how nerdy I am, and I don't know if I want to admit to it...) Basically, Nerdfighters FTW and DFTBA.
Recommendations: Harry Potter nerds, names, college, and 1000
P.S. Mel, that book we're both reading -The Fault in Our Starts - is written by one of these brothers.
LizzieBennet – Ok, so I'll talk about one of those things that the vlogbrothers started. Hank Green posted this video that talks about wanting to try something new - telling a classic story through a new medium. I'm really really enjoying the result so far. It's like a TV show where you are waiting for the next episode to see what will happen - except I know what's going to happen, I just don't know how. It's a lot of fun.
Start from the beginning: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
In case you need further proof of my nerdiness - I get absolutely every one of these references, and they are all something that I love.
Well, this was the story about how I spend my time. Thoughts?
(This post took me forever to put up because it's so link-y. But if I make anyone smile with even one of those links - than my job is done.)